Saturday, November 14, 2009

Recovering your HP Pavilion Entertainment PC from Software problems part 4

This is the last part of the series of Recovering your HP Pavilion Entertainment PC from Software problems. If you want to see the previous post go to part 1 , part 2 , part 3 and part 4

Running System Recovery from Recovery Discs

This section contains the procedure for performing a system recovery from the recovery discs you created as described in “Creating System Recovery Discs.”

To run the System Recovery program using recovery discs:
1. If the PC works, create a backup CD or DVD containing all data files that you want to save. Remove the backup disc from the disc tray when you are finished.
2. Insert recovery disc #1 into the appropriate drive tray (CD or DVD), and close the tray.
3. Turn off the PC:
If the PC works: Click Start, Turn Off Computer, and then Turn Off.
If the PC is not responding: Press and hold the On button approximately 5 seconds until the PC turns off.
4. Disconnect all peripheral devices from the PC except the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse.
5. Disconnect or remove all external drives.
6. Press the On button to turn on the PC.
7. The PC starts the recovery from the recovery disc. Follow the onscreen instructions when they are displayed.
For standard recovery, press R. Choose Next to proceed with the System Recovery. Choose Yes to start the recovery. Insert the remaining recovery discs when directed.
For full System Recovery, press F. Choose Yes to perform a full System Recovery. Insert the remaining discs when directed.
• If your PC hard disk drive is blank or corrupted, press R to perform a full System Recovery. Insert the remaining recovery discs when directed.

WARNING: The Full System Recovery option deletes any data or programs that you created or installed after purchase. Be sure to back up any data that you want to keep onto a removable disc.

8. Insert the next disc if prompted.
9. When the recovery program finishes, remove the last disc.

NOTE: If the message Please Insert Login Advanced Installation Disc Number 1 and Restart is displayed at the end of a full System Recovery, remove the recovery disc from the drive tray, and restart the PC. You do not need to insert the referenced disc.

10. Click Restart to restart the PC.
11. After the PC restarts, a series of startup screens appears. To proceed with the initial Microsoft Windows setup, you must answer a few questions.
12. Complete the PC startup, finish the registration process, and wait until you see the desktop. Then, turn off the PC, reconnect all peripheral devices, and turn on the PC.
13. Reinstall software not originally installed on the PC by the factory.
14. Copy data files from the backup disc to your hard disk drive.

Running System Recovery from the Hard Disk Drive

Choose one of the following procedures to reinstall the software from the recovery image on your hard disk drive:
Starting System Recovery if the PC is responding
Starting System Recovery if the PC is not responding

Starting System Recovery if the PC is responding

1. Turn off the PC. Disconnect all peripheral devices from the PC except the monitor, the keyboard, and the mouse. Turn on the PC.
2. Click Start on the taskbar, choose All Programs, choose PC Help & Tools, and then click HP PC System Recovery.
You are prompted to confirm that you have performed the Microsoft System Restore and Driver Rollback.
If you have not performed the Microsoft System Restore and Driver Rollback, click Microsoft System Restore, and follow the onscreen instructions.
If you have performed the Microsoft System Restore and Driver Rollback, click Yes to start
the recovery process, and then continue with step 3.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.

WARNING: The Full System Recovery option deletes any data or programs that you created or installed after purchase. Be sure to back up any data that you want to keep onto a removable disc.
4. Complete the PC startup, finish the registration process, and wait until you see the desktop. Then, turn off the PC, reconnect all peripheral devices, and then turn on the PC.

Starting System Recovery if the PC is not responding
1. Turn off the PC. If necessary, press and hold the On button until the PC turns off.
2. Disconnect all peripheral devices from the PC except the monitor, the keyboard, and the
3. Press the On button to turn on the PC.
4. During the startup, do the following to enter the System Recovery program:
When the blue screen with the HP Invent logo appears, press the F10 key on the keyboard. (You
have only a few seconds to press the F10 key before the normal startup process continues.)
5. The PC starts the recovery; wait for the onscreen instructions to display, and then follow those instructions.

WARNING: The Full System Recovery option deletes any data or programs that you created or installed after purchase. Be sure to back up any data that you want to keep onto a removable disc.

6. Complete the PC startup, finish the registration process, and wait until you see the desktop. Then, turn off the PC, reconnect all peripheral devices, and turn on the PC.

I enjoyed making the Recovering your HP Pavilion Entertainment PC from Software problems Guide. It all came from the HP Pavilion Series PC Troubleshooting guide. Hope you get a lot of value from this and feel free to share this to your friends.

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